Research Publications
Title: F. Al-Hindawi, M. M. R. Siddiquee, T. Wu, A. Patharkar, and H. Hu, BubbleSync-GAN: Preserving physical characteristics consistency in unsupervised image-to-image translation through intelligent physical features extraction for cross-domain CHF detection,
Title: F. Al-Hindawi, M. M. R. Siddiquee, T. Wu, A. Patharkar, and H. Hu, SequenceSync-GAN: Preserving Temporal Sequential Consistency in Image-to-Image Translation For Cross-domain CHF Detection
Title: T. Li, T. Wu, J. R. Charlton, K. M. Bennett, and F. Al-Hindawi, Cu-NET: Help small blob detection in medical imaging with a human-in-the-loop approach
Title: A. Patharkar, F. Al-Hindawi, and T. Wu, “Healthy bio-core: An instance selection framework for enhancing biomedical temporal data classification,”
Title: T. Li, Y. Xu, T. Wu, J. R. Charlton, K. M. Bennett, and F. Al-Hindawi, “Blobcut: A contrastive learning method to support small blob detection in medical imaging,” Bioengineering, vol. 10, no. 12, p. 1372, 2023.
Abstract: Medical imaging-based biomarkers derived from small objects (e.g., cell nuclei) play a crucial role in medical applications. However, detecting and segmenting small objects (a.k.a. blobs) remains a challenging task. In this research, we propose a novel 3D small blob detector called BlobCUT. BlobCUT is an unpaired image-to-image (I2I) translation model that falls under the Contrastive Unpaired Translation paradigm. It employs a blob synthesis module to generate synthetic 3D blobs with corresponding masks. This is incorporated into the iterative model training as the ground truth. The I2I translation process is designed with two constraints: (1) a convexity consistency constraint that relies on Hessian analysis to preserve the geometric properties and (2) an intensity distribution consistency constraint based on Kullback-Leibler divergence to preserve the intensity distribution of blobs. BlobCUT learns the inherent noise distribution from the target noisy blob images and performs image translation from the noisy domain to the clean domain, effectively functioning as a denoising process to support blob identification. To validate the performance of BlobCUT, we evaluate it on a 3D simulated dataset of blobs and a 3D MRI dataset of mouse kidneys. We conduct a comparative analysis involving six state-of-the-art methods. Our findings reveal that BlobCUT exhibits superior performance and training efficiency, utilizing only 56.6% of the training time required by the state-of-the-art BlobDetGAN. This underscores the effectiveness of BlobCUT in accurately segmenting small blobs while achieving notable gains in training efficiency.
Keywords: imaging biomarker; blob detection; glomeruli segmentation; Hessian analysis; contrastive learning
Title: Al-Hindawi, F., Siddiquee, M. M. R., Wu, T., Hu, H., & Sun, Y. (2024). Domain-knowledge Inspired Pseudo Supervision (DIPS) for unsupervised image-to-image translation models to support cross-domain classification. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 127, 107255.
Abstract: The ability to classify images is dependent on having access to large labeled datasets and testing on data from the same domain of which the model was trained on. Classification becomes more challenging when dealing with new data from a different domain, where gathering and especially labeling a larger image dataset for retraining a classification model requires a labor-intensive human effort. Cross-domain classification frameworks were developed to handle this data domain shift problem by utilizing unsupervised image-to-image translation models to translate an input image from the unlabeled domain to the labeled domain. The problem with these unsupervised models lies in their unsupervised nature. For lack of annotations, it is not possible to use the traditional supervised metrics to evaluate these translation models to pick the best-saved checkpoint model. This paper introduces a new method called Domain-knowledge Inspired Pseudo Supervision (DIPS) which utilizes Gaussian Mixture Models and domain knowledge to generate pseudo annotations to enable the use of traditional supervised metrics. This method was designed specifically to support cross-domain classification applications contrary to other typically used metrics such as the Fréchet Inception Distance (FID) which were designed to evaluate the model in terms of the quality of the generated image from a human-eye perspective. DIPS outperforms state-of-the-art GAN evaluation metrics when selecting the optimal saved checkpoint. Furthermore, DIPS showcases its robustness and interpretability by demonstrating a strong correlation with truly supervised metrics, highlighting its superiority over existing state-of-the-art alternatives The boiling crisis problem has been approached as a case study. The code and data to replicate the results can be found on the official GitHub-repository:
Keywords: Critical heat flux, Domain adaptation, Generative adversarial networks, Image-to-image translation, Pool boiling, Unsupervised machine learning
Title: Al-Hindawi, F., Soori, T., Hu, H., Siddiquee, M. M. R., Yoon, H., Wu, T., & Sun, Y. (2023). A framework for generalizing critical heat flux detection models using unsupervised image-to-image translation. Expert Systems with Applications, 120265.
Abstract: The detection of critical heat flux (CHF) is crucial in heat boiling applications as failure to do so can cause rapid temperature ramp leading to device failures. Many machine learning models exist to detect CHF, but their performance reduces significantly when tested on data from different domains. To deal with datasets from new domains a model needs to be trained from scratch. Moreover, the dataset needs to be annotated by a domain expert. To address this issue, we propose a new framework to support the generalizability and adaptability of trained CHF detection models in an unsupervised manner. This approach uses an unsupervised Image-to-Image (UI2I) translation model to transform images in the target dataset to look like they were obtained from the same domain the model previously trained on. Unlike other frameworks dealing with domain shift, our framework does not require retraining or fine-tuning of the trained classification model nor does it require synthesized datasets in the training process of either the classification model or the UI2I model. The framework was tested on three boiling datasets from different domains, and we show that the CHF detection model trained on one dataset was able to generalize to the other two previously unseen datasets with high accuracy. Overall, the framework enables CHF detection models to adapt to data generated from different domains without requiring additional annotation effort or retraining of the model.
Keywords: Critical heat fluxDomain adaptationGenerative adversarial networksImage-to-image translationPool boilingUnsupervised machine learning
Title: Al-Hindawi, Firas. Deep Learning Strategies for Critical Heat Flux Detection in Pool Boiling. Diss. Arizona State University, 2021.
Abstract: Image-based deep learning (DL) models are employed to enable the detection of critical heat flux (CHF) based on pool boiling experimental images. Most machine learning approaches for pool boiling to date focus on a single dataset under a certain heater surface, working fluid, and operating conditions. For new datasets collected under different conditions, a significant effort in re-training the model or developing a new model is required under the assumption that the new dataset has a sufficient amount of labeled data. This research is to explore supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised machine learning strategies that are formulated to adapt to two scenarios. The first is when the new dataset has limited labeled data available. This scenario was addressed in chapter 2 of this thesis, where Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Transfer learning (TL) were used in tackling such situations. The second scenario is when the new dataset has no labeled data available at all. In such cases, this research presents a methodology in Chapter 3, where one of the state-of-the-art Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) called Fixed-Point GAN is deployed in collaboration with a regular CNN model to tackle the problem. To the best of my knowledge, the approaches presented in chapters 2 and 3 are the first of their kind to utilize TL and GANs to solve the boiling heat transfer problem within the heat transfer community and are a step forward towards obtaining a one-for-all general model.
Keywords: Boiling crisis; Boiling crisis detection; Machine learning; Pool boiling; Supervised machine learning; Unsupervised machine learning
Title: S. Moein Rassoulinejad-Mousavi, F. Al-Hindawi, T. Soori, A. Rokoni, H. Yoon, H. Hu,T. Wu, Y. Sun, Deep learning strategies for critical heat flux detection in pool boiling, Applied Thermal Engineering (2021)
Abstract: Image-based deep learning (DL) models are employed to enable the detection of critical heat flux (CHF) based on pool boiling experimental images. Most machine learning approaches for pool boiling to date focus on a single dataset under a certain heater surface, working fluid, and operating conditions. For new datasets collected under different conditions, a significant effort in re-training the model or developing a new model is required under the assumption the new dataset has a sufficient amount of data. This research is to explore strategies of DL adapting to new datasets with limited data available. The insights gained could help improve the practicality and reliability of DL for boiling regime studies. Specifically, convolutional neural networks (CNN) and transfer learning (TL) are studied.
Keywords: Critical heat flux, deep learning, transfer learning, convolutional neural network, pool boiling
Title: Altarazi, S.; Allaf, R.; Alhindawi, F. Machine Learning Models for Predicting and Classifying the Tensile Strength of Polymeric Films Fabricated via Different Production Processes. Materials 2019, 12, 1475.
Abstract: In this study, machine learning algorithms (MLA) were employed to predict and classify the tensile strength of polymeric films of different compositions as a function of processing conditions. Two film production techniques were investigated, namely compression molding and extrusion-blow molding. Multi-factor experiments were designed with corresponding parameters. A tensile test was conducted on samples and the tensile strength was recorded. Predictive and classification models from nine MLA were developed. Performance analysis demonstrated the superior predictive ability of the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm, in which a coefficient of determination and mean absolute percentage error of 96% and 4%, respectively were obtained for the extrusion-blow molded films. The classification performance of the MLA was also evaluated, with several algorithms exhibiting excellent performance.
Keywords: machine learning algorithms; polymeric films; extrusion-blow molding; cryomilling-compression molding
Title: Alhindawi F., Altarazi S, “Predicting the Tensile Strength of Extrusion-blown High Density Polyethylene Film Using Machine Learning Algorithms”, 2018 IEEE International Conference on IEEM
Abstract: This paper explores the utility of supervised machine learning algorithms in predicting the tensile strength of high density polyethylene film produced by extrusion-blown molding process. Three algorithms were used: Artificial Neural Networks, Decision Tree, and k-Nearest Neighbors. Eleven input parameters, five materials related and six process related; were modeled in the algorithms. The application of algorithms demonstrated their capability in predicting the intended property of the extrusion-blown process products.
Keywords: Machine learning algorithms, extrusion-blown molding, tensile strength, HDPE film